Director - Day Ahead Trading
Gordon is responsible for managing daily power trading activities. In addition, Gordon is an established power trader who trades physical and financial electricity contracts in the Mid-Continent regions of the Eastern Interconnect.
Experience: With 15 years of wholesale electricity trading markets experience Gordon has extensive expertise in the physical movement of power utilizing the bulk transmission system, asset optimization, and regional arbitrage. Prior to co-founding Endure, Gordon worked at a privately-owned energy company as the Director of Mid-Continent Trading. As Director, Gordon successfully developed trading presence in the Southwest Power Pool (SPP) and Entergy markets along with portions of Midwest Area Power Pool (MAPP), Southeastern Electric Reliability Corporation (SERC), and Midwest Independent System Operator (MISO). Gordon’s experience in the physical power markets and extensive customer contacts allowed him to build a consistently profitable, low-risk trading book across the mid-continent region. Preceding his Director position, Gordon was a Senior Power Trader for Aquila Energy. At Aquila Gordon was an integral part of the growth and success of the physical power trading desk. Gordon was also responsible for short- and long-term trading around Aquila’s transmission rights.
Education: Gordon earned his B.S. in Management from Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana and obtained his M.B.A. in Finance from the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas.